Saturday, 2 February 2013


It's fun being the odd one out with the American accent. I'm tempted to pretend to be Canadian, but I haven't managed to pull it off so far.

I know I'm someone who is very easily entertained and find humor in random things, but Australian slang cracks me up. Australians have modified certain words to make them really cute. Instead of "breakfast", it's "breky". "MacDonald's" is "Macca's" (not happy about seeing soooo many American food chains here). "Burger King" is "Hungry Jack". "Football" is "footy". "Mosquitos" are "mossies". "Sunglasses" are "sunnies". So freakin adorable!

Any adorable other sayings that I'm missing?


  1. A stroller = a pram
    Boyfriend, girlfriend, wife, husband = partner (genderless)
